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Equine Gestalt Coaching

Equine Gestalt Coaching Method
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGCM)® is a co-active coaching experience between a trained Coach, a Horse and a Client. It was developed by Melisa Pearce in the late 80's during the horse-human healing movement.
In a very non-judgmental way, the coach and horse offer the client guidance and support to discover the emotional blockages and unfinished business that may have been holding them back from living their life to the fullest.
Crystal Young, owner of Reclamation-Ranch has been trained as a EGCM® coach through the Touched By A Horse Program ®.
In 2015, she partnered with Laura Klock to add Therapeutic Riding and EGCM® to the Helping with Horsepower Program. Since then, she has been helping traumatized individuals work through their hidden fears and return to a more positive life.
Horses have carried men and women through wars, helped plow fields, and have been a transportation source for thousands of years. And they still offer us so much more. They are non-judgmental, compassionate survivors. Horses live within a herd or team and their herd mentality, prey animal instincts and unconditional acceptance, make them the best resource to "carry one's emotional baggage" and help transition into a happier, healthier way of living.
Transitioning from military life into civilian life is difficult and challenging. By creating structure or opportunities to achieve "rank" through phases, we are able to provide ongoing and continuous support and connection. The program is set up for participants to "graduate" into a paid position as a Therapeutic Riding Instructor!
We are looking forward to giving back to our service men and women! Please join us in our excitement about our new Veterans programs. Learn more about what we are already doing through Helping With Horsepower at Reclamation-Ranch at either of our websites, and contact us to find out how you can join our herd!, Crystal Young
For More Information: Contact Crystal by Email: or Phone: 605-770-2867
Read more about EGCM® at: Touched By A Horse Program ®.
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